I decided to ask men what puzzles them about women, in order to hopefully clear a few things up; or at least attempt to.
What is the issue with the toilet seat?
Actually, I don't get this one either so this isn't a good place for me to start. Boys have to put it up, so girls should have to put it down. Really though, the lid should go down before you've flushed to stop all the germs from whatever you've just deposited being released into the air.
Why do you say you're fine when you're obviously not?
There are a few answers to this one. Personally. I use it if I'm a bit pissed off, but not enough to bring it up and have a row; I'd rather just be left to forget about it. If I'm really pissed off, I will tell you.
Often though, I think it might be a little test. If you really care, you'll push to find out.
Catherine thinks it's an acronym:
Fucked up
Neurotic, and
Fine is what you say when you're really not ok but don't want to admit it.
That might also be true.
Why are girls so clingy?
This isn't really a matter of "girls are clingy and boys aren't". I've met some very clingy boys. I know a lot of girls who aren't clingy. It's just that some people are and some people aren't. I think generally, insecure people are more clingy. That's their issue. It might help if you reassure them etc, but it probably won't. Clingy types are probably best clinging together.
Why do girls like boys? Most of us are pretty screwed up!
Speaking for myself; you look after us. I'm very old fashioned - I think girls have their uses, and boys have theirs. If I'm frightened, all I really want is a cuddle with a nice man, and I will feel better. If I'm putting up a bookshelf, I can do it myself, but there's something very sexy about a bloke doing DIY. It's just manly. Personally, I also like "looking after" a man. Doing the things he's not so good at - making packed lunches, washing, ironing. I like those things.
Why are girls threatened if you have female friends?
Not strictly true. More insecure girls are threatened if you have female friends. For most of us, it depends on your behaviour. Being secretive about female friends is a surefire way to make us wonder. On the opposite end of the scale, constantly talking about one female friend will also make us sit up and watch you like a hawk. Again though, this isn't just girls. I've had boyfriends get very, very jealous of my close male friends.
Having said that, speaking from personal experience, I've actually been more wary of men since I've been single. That is because I get a lot of, ahem, requests, from men in relationships (see "Tricking an Old Flame", for example.) This gives the impression that you do in fact, think with your todgers. That's not cool. Offer your services to every girl you find remotely attractive, whilst you're in a relationship, and chances are, if that relationship breaks down, you will find yourself totally Undateable in the eyes of any girl with common sense. If you're willing to do it to her, you'll sure as hell be willing to do it to us.
Why do girls do poo like rabbit droppings?
Um. Right. Pebble poos are often a sign of a low fibre diet. Again, not sure if this is restricted to girls. I don't tend to examine poos.
Why do women think that because one guy screwed them over, all other guys will do the same?
Logical ones don't think like that. It's more a case of being more wary of being hurt - if somebody hurts us in a relationship, we don't want to be hurt the same again, so we will tread carefully. It's not a case of "boys are arseholes", at all.
Why do women moan that they want a nice guy, then when they find one, moan that nice guys are boring?
This goes a little deeper. Bad boys are exciting and more sexually attractive to us for several reasons. Generally: they are confident. They're exciting and adventurous. They're a little bit mysterious. They're indifferent, which means that they have a higher success rate with women, because they aren't afraid to try. They give us a sense of power, because if we can tame a badboy, we must be the absolute shiz! Badboys are masculine - they look you in the eye, they're not afraid to take control. The trouble with nice guys, is that they often don't try. Boys who are overly nice, can come across as too feminine. They don't take control enough. There's a nice balance, but unfortunately, guys often tend to be one or the other.
In hindsight, I might not be the ideal girl to answer these questions. I think like a man in many respects. But I think generally, I do get it. So make of it what you will!
As a woman, this was very informative for me...So thank you for clearing some things up.